Love For English´s Blog

hello, mi name is Juan Huala and this is the blog that i create. I´m a geography student, and english is the best class in my academic load. In this page, you can find a lot of very funny things how my works of the class, and the bonus is to understand my reasons for to love the english lenguage. This isn´t a ironic article, is real and isn´t for approve this subject.

domingo, 10 de abril de 2011

"MSN messenger, my favourite social network"

My favourite social network is MSN Messenger. The MSN software is a great remote communications medium, in that is possible to talk, to send files than songs, pictures, videos, university works and other necessary things in the modern life. Also, is a very funny tool, with that is possible to send hum, figures with gestures (smiles, winks, angry gestures and happiness) called emoticons, and features in move whit music. I like MSN Messenger more than other modern social networks than facebook or twitter, because i thing that MSN Messenger have the best privacity rules and because you choose whit who talk, who you want know that you do. I have a MSN Messenger account since 2002, when i was 15 years old. My first contacts were my classmates and and my family, and later i began add friends and other contacts. Actually i have most than 300 contacts, and this contacts were of the different activities that i do. Usually, i`m connect to MSN Messenger 3 days for week, and is for to make university works or for organize other things, than activities with friends or simply for to talk whit my family or friends.

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